Back on the old track …
or in other words – new week new luck :-). So like almost every Monday the week started with a wonderful Yoga session. Once finished I really got into the mood to give it another try and make some more oat cookies. Like last time I took this recipe as base. I used almond spread this time and additionally put some brown raw sugar, maple syrup and raisins. Mixing those ingredients with the mashed banana, coconut oil and cinnamon an extremly delicious „cream“ was the result. I could imagine to do it again and just use as spread on bread or part of a cake – yummy!
We started with a banana, apple, almond milk smoothie into the week.
Having full access to all the spices, ingredients etc. I love – I decided to mix my most favourit things together. So I had a very delicious salad made of cherry tomatos, dried tomatos, chick peas, spring onions, olive oil, lemon juice, honey, salt & pepper. Felt really good to have something healthy and that I really like after 2 days full of compromises.
For dinner I made us a very tasteful zucchini soup which the kids liked too. Ingredients: onions, zucchini, potato, turmeric, veggie broth, salt & pepper, a bit of sugar to caramelise the onions, and some coconut cream to refine. Definitely worth to try yourself. 😉