21 Days Vegan Challenge – #DAY8

What a lovely interactive Kickstart Your Health course we had today …

… but to start with the beginning of the day:

Actually not really worth to mention because we had nothing exciting new. Oatmeal -but this time our favourite fruit version from dm, together with the cashewnut rice milk, some coco sugar and frozen raspberries.

Lucky us – Wednesday again and no need to worry about lunch. We had a wonderful session with Chef Kamila. We got some valuable advises how to veganize dishes in restaurants when going out for dinner and of course we learned about 3 more dishes and how to prepare them. To be even more active Chef Kamila agreed spontaneously that our bunch of moms could cook or in some cases rather prepare the dishes ourselves in the kitchen. We really enjoyed it!
Testing them afterwards of course always belongs to one of our all favourit parts of the course! I think everybode went home full with a lot of new inspirations what to cook the next days. I will most likely do first the Tofu recipe.

Double lucky me – as I went out for dinner with Deutsche Mamas Budapest and had not to care about this part. Anyhow I prepared some zucchini chips for my family. I have to admit that they did not turn out crunchy, but they were indeed very delicious. I could have had made double amount (did 1 zucchini only, marinated with some olive oil, salt, black pepper & sweet pepper)!
My own dinner was beetroot salad, originally it comes with goat cheese (yummy), but of course I stayed strong and passed the cheese on. In general you can find quite a lot of vegetarian dishes at Hachapuri – Georgian restaurant – but unfortunately only 2 vegan dishes. But I would say – that’s better than nothing and by the way – the beetroot salad was really good, loved the dressing and the spicy fresh Rucola! 😉

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