21 Days Vegan Challenge – #DAY2

Living out my baking mood …

Highlight of day was my strong desire after a sweet cookie. One of the other moms had just shared a recipe and I thought I should give it a try. The cookies looked very nicely but were not crunchy at all. Rather like a mixture of a pancake and a cookie. So I was not really happy and searched for another recipe which I luckily found and did together with one of my girls. Had some struggle with the instructions as things got not really liquid and in order to rescue the dough I added raisins, marple syrup and anis. Taste and texture wise they turned out very nicely, with still room to improve ;-)! Anyway the joy of crunchy cookies kept shortly as I had to find out the next morning that I should have put them into a box the same day and not leave them in the kitchen overnight just covered by aluminium foil, they soak up humidity :-(. Lesson learned!

For breakfast we had ready to make oatmeal from dm. We have tried „Basen-Balance“ which unfortunately is not as delicious as the fruity version. We used rice milk, added frozen raspberries and some agave syrup. With the fruity oatmeal we really like this for breakfast!

Inspired by the quinoa salad which Chef Kamila had made for us I created my own freestyle version of it. It was really yummy. Here are the ingredients which I used: quinoa, cherry tomatos, dried tomatos, fresh red pepper, spring onion, ginger water, acete balsamico white, honey, freshly squeezed lemon, salt & pepper.
Well, dinner was a very easy thing or maybe you wanna say not so easy ;-). I went out with a friend to Papir Tigris. If you are trying to eat vegan your choices to choose from shrink tremendously. But I found something – chili rice noodles with honey, ginger and tofu. It was really delicious and I hope really vegan too. I did my very best. 😉

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